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7 พฤติกรรมเสี่ยงต่อการเกิดโรคร้ายแรง

7 Risky Behaviors of Serious Diseases

10 October 2023

As people enter the working age, many focus on earning income to the point that they neglect important things like health. Regardless of how much money you earn, if you are not in good health and frequently need to visit the hospital, your hard-earned money will undoubtedly be spent on medical expenses. Many people have daily habits that put them at risk of developing serious illnesses. This article will present risky behaviors that may lead to severe health problems.

1. Skip Breakfast.

It is a common experience for many working adults to skip breakfast in the morning rush, which can have negative effects on your body. Skipping Breakfast for extended periods can lead to a lack of essential nutrients, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, and a weakened immune system. It can also cause acid reflux and gastritis. Furthermore, when the sugar levels are low causing not enough food to nourish the brain, it can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, long-term fasting also poses a risk of developing diabetes.

2. Poor Nutrition.

If you consistently choose to consume unhealthy food, it may affect your health in the long run. It can lead to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, gastritis, and even serious conditions like oral cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer. Therefore, opting for nutritious foods, even if they may not always be the most delicious, can help reduce the chance of getting serious diseases.

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3. Sitting in Front of a Screen for a Long Period.

One of the unavoidable challenges for office workers is extended screen time in the same posture. This can lead to musculoskeletal issues, muscle stiffness, nerve compression, and joining inflammation, common symptoms of office syndrome. More than that, it can contribute to diabetes and high blood pressure due to sitting in the same place for a long time reduces the body’s ability to regulate sugar in blood properly.

4. Holding in Urine.

It is something that should be avoided. No matter how busy you are, you should use the restroom immediately when you feel like it because holding it in for too long can cause urinary tract infections and reduce the ability to control muscles around the bladder. It can also lead to conditions like urinary bladder inflammation and importantly, increased risk of bladder stones.

5. Stay in the Sunlight for a Long Time.

Sunlight provides both benefits and disadvantages at the same time. Being exposed to sunlight for a long time can pose risks to your health, leading to skin damage which leads to the activation of malignant cells which causes skin cancer.

6. Lack of Exercise.

Lack of exercise can put your body at risk for heart and blood vessel diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, and neurological issues. Exercise is an important part of maintaining good health and creating a balance for both body and mind. Furthermore, not exercising causes obesity which can increase the risks of various cancers such as colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, kidney cancer and many more.

7. Lack of Sleep.

Not getting enough sleep can cause health issues in various ways. It increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, as well as diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, it can also lead to stress and depression.

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Critical diseases are closer to you than you think. Neglecting to take care of your health can allow various illnesses to strike unexpectedly. Having critical disease insurance is a backup plan to reduce the risks and costs when the illness comes.

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Critical disease insurance steps in to take care of you and compensate for medical expenses, helping ease concerns about the costs for both you and your loved ones. Of course, before getting critical disease insurance, it is important to research and compare the coverage and choose the one that covers all your needs.

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