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6 Tips to compare motor insurance

Nowadays, car users become more aware of the importance of voluntary motor insurance because of the road accident that happen daily. Number of car user are increasing meaning that the chance of people involve in car accident are getting higher.

In terms if insurers in Thailand, they are also creating more insurance product to serve the need of car users. Many people who interested in buying motor insurance can get confused or hesitate on buying motor insurance for themselves. Whether which brand or which plan to buy or even buy motor insurance from who will most benefit for them.

Today dSurance will provide the car users or people who interested in buying motor insurance on how to get the most value.

1. Insurance Premium

The first thing that comes in mind of insurance purchaser is the price. Which insurers or brokers can provide with better price of course will get more attraction from purchasers. However, this mindset is not totally right or wrong, but the buyer has to also take other factors into consideration as well otherwise they might come up with the useless motor insurance. The purchasers can compare the premium of the insurance as the basic information to see how much of the budget they have. Then purchaser can do some more research on other factors that effecting the premium.

2. Promotion

Other factors that can help purchaser is the promotion. Each insurer and broker have different promotion offer based on brands, car model, season. The purchaser can get more benefit to negotiate with insurer or brokers to get the deal from them.

3. Motor insurance for specific group

Not many are aware of specific group motor insurance, the insurers are come up with motor insurance product to answer to specific need of specific group for example truck users, lady users, eco-car user, etc. Most of the time these specific group motor insurance offer better price and better coverage.

4. Additional Service and Easy Claim service

One of the most factor that car users need to look for is the claim service, no matter how expensive of the insurance premium are, it will become useless when it cannot be claim. The purchasers need to really consider on this matter, can read real experience users, friend and family who has 1st hand experience before buying any motor insurance.

5. Repair garage or services connection

Repair garages or service centers are all over the country, the purchaser might have to do some research of the garage with the good standard and close to their home for the convenient in term of repair and follow up. Different insurers have different numbers of garages in connection, the purchaser should check whether the garage that nearby having connection with the insurer that users buying insurance from

6. Brand reputation

Insurer reputation is very important, because it will help in time of claim and service. If the brand reputation is good and reliable, the car users will have no problem when the accident occurs.

Before buying any motor insurance, don’t forget to take mentioning factors above into consideration and you will get the most value motor insurance that suite you. Moreover, you can compare the car insurance with dSurance because it will help you save a lot of time and money.

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Sales proposal by Sunday Ins Co.,Ltd. Broker License no. ว0007/2561